Tuesday, December 24, 2013


For parents with small children (under 12) the question for most of those that celebrate Christmas with gifts is whether or not it is time to break the news that Santa no longer exists in the literal sense. Well, that question has crossed my mind, but I also began to think beyond that point as to how my child would feel when I did reveal the truth.

As a child I was amazed that Santa rarely gave me what I asked for, but the gifts were still great. I was not told that Santa did not bring me gifts every year at Christmastime; I discovered it. As children still do to this day it was almost Christmas and I wanted to know what my parents had bought for me. Well, one year one of my discoveries were marked as having come from Santa. It was extremely deflating. Especially since Santa was the last mythological figure I still believed in. 
That Christmas, I grew up.

While pondering this inevitable circumstance I realized that my parents must have really loved me to keep up that farce. They purchased gifts, hid them and then allowed me to believe that this mystical being had delivered those gifts during the night because I had been 'mostly' good. That is true love. Giving credit to someone that does not even exist just to allow me to enjoy my childhood. I Love my parents for it.

Will it take my child nearly 20 years to understand that I did not just lie, but wanted to prolong those precious guileless years?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Time to talk money

My thoughts on this subject are based solely on my observations. Little research was done to substantiate this information.

The supposed intention of business growth is to improve the community in which it is located. To hear of a US Representative suggesting that the children receiving 'free lunch' should have to clean the cafeteria to pay for their free lunch, it is apparent that not much has changed. That single-mindedness has run amok and is so popular that even our politicians forget that it is not right. 

Forgive me, I digress. 

If only our established business owners would remember how difficult it was for them to get to where they are. As a member of the free country it is our responsibility to help our fellow citizens. The older adults should own or manage a business and employ the youth. By employing the young adults not only are they gaining a work ethic, but that business owner is now an acting mentor. That young adult will be the business owner of the future. And so the cycle continues. The entire country can prosper from that single helping hand. 

With the growth of the United States it is incomprehensible as to why grandparents are seeking employment alongside their grandchildren. Philanthropy is not only for the rich. Believe it or not we all have something to share. Share your knowledge with someone in need of information. Spare a moment for the street salesman; you may not need what is being sold, but you may know of someone that is. There are numerous ways to help and it only requires a voice.

The World will not change on its own and it will require a concentrated effort all of our parts.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

We live in America

There are times we are proud to say that we live in America. I do not have a familiarity with any other country, to say that I would rather live somewhere else. However, there is ample room for improvement. 

As I catch up on the news each day I am appalled to hear commentators, journalist and many more take the time to figure out whose back the President was scratching when he commuted the prison term of 8 people that received unconscionable sentences when convicted. Then when it comes to the 'rich' teen that got drunk, loaded a vehicle with some friends and killed 4 pedestrians and severely injured 2 of his passengers; that only received 10 years probation. The coverage is brief. This is America.

Some may see it as glorifying a terrible situation when you hear over and over again about a racist, elitist, and or sexist actor, politician, etc... I am certain though that there is a majority of people out there that find it a relief to have what they have known and experienced all along to be aired/broadcast nationally. For example this economic disparity that everyone finds so disturbing was in existence long before it received the attention it deserved. It was not heard of because there was also a racial divide that went along with it. Now, poverty knows no boundaries and it is an outrage.

During this Holiday Season let us focus on improving our country. Let us not continue to be a naysayer of little or no action. If we want to see a change in the way things are done, then we must initiate that change. Big Business will continue to consider only its' bottom line. Politicians will focus on the needs of their paying constituents not those that are suffering at the hands of over-zealous officials whose primary cause is making more money and silencing the impoverished.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Pardon me, but there are times that life is draining. I praise each day, I somehow experience extreme difficulties at times. These things also create goals in a sense, as I will work diligently to overcome any obstacle to greatness. Now I am certain, that is a positive outlook

We have control of our emotions. How often I say, "he made me so mad". Well, "he" could only make me mad if I allow him to do so. I choose not to allow anyone to upset or have a negative affect on me. This is a very important choice to make.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Things will not change simply because you griped about it to a friend or relative.
"It would not make a difference" is the wrong attitude to have.
Try something new for a change. Use your connections to spread useful, noteworthy information. This is a new day, information can be shared with an infinite amount of people with a few simple keystrokes.
It will not take more than 60 years to get a message from {Check this out Read here}Washington to Alabama.

You must get involved. Unless you are prepared to just curl up and waste away you have to do something. We have the means we only need the will. 

I challenge you to buy a newspaper find out what is happening in your region. For instance when was the last time you wrote your Representative? Or has your Governor ever visited your city? When is the next town meeting? School Board? Parents, when is the next PTA/PTO meeting?Do not berate yourself for not knowing the answers to all of these questions. Just demand more of yourself. We have to live in this town, this City, this State and this Country and we have the magnificent right of  Free Speech.

Just as we must stretch or move to prevent muscle atrophy, we must flex our Constitutional Rights. If we do not then we are left to be led and are unable to survive without a costly helping hand.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Occasionally I feel used. For my knowledge that is. How would you feel if you learned that you were being taken advantage of? Simply doing things the right way, nothing special. If ever someone is in need, you assist. This practice simply keeps your moral compass pointing due north. Now you take that and later learn that it was all for a stupid game. Just what do you do?
As I often say; I am a quick learner. Only when the wrongdoing is impossible to fathom.
What are you suppose to do then? Well it is said that you should be prepared. In order to be prepared you have to change your routine, your attitude, and so many other things that make you who you are. It sure would be easier if everyone would cooperate and just do what is right. What am I supposed to do now, that is what I want to know? I have already made a fool of myself by being taken like that. Do I make an even bigger fool of myself by confronting the person about it. No, I just stop helping. Well, not everyone just that person and anyone else that tries this scheme.

I digress; In the simplest of terms it is not fun to be used.

So, that brings me to a question for which I long an answer. Must a person always conform? Is conforming a type of adaptation? Conformity is for the scared followers. I will not change my ways to accommodate an imbecile

Find your voice and use it. You are who you want to be and no one can change that.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It is, okay to want MORE

Yes, I want more. Do we all not want more? More Faith, freedom and whatever brings you happiness. Right now I want more information. No particular subject matter, just information. Quite often I just want more time. More time to finish a project, more time to relax and last but not least more time to sleep. Which leads me to my point; I require information on how to accomplish all the duties of a working mother, in the rural south and in the process of re-establishing my religion manage a full nights rest each night.

During the day I thrive once I get started, but as the day winds down I do the opposite and begin the second half of my day. I love all that I do, there just does not seem to be enough of me to do it all. I wonder often what is wrong with me, and why an accumulation of such simple tasks can be overwhelming. Then I must forget my woes and move on, the Family awaits. There are some that may not have a clue that a being a Wife and Mother are full time jobs just so. In addition I have a full time job that offers ample overtime. No complaints here, just simply stating the facts. As a wife I must assist, offer encouragement and be available at any given time. Well as a mother it is rather the same requirements only extremely demanding. The ritual; same dance slightly different tune each day. Now the children are asleep and I use that time to complete another task/duty. There is always something to be done. It feels like I do it all. Is that whining? Am I being boastful? No, just stating the facts as I know them to be. Finally, I have made it through another day. At this point you would think I would drop to sleep. 

Not I, it is movie time and I will dream for feels like thirty minutes, but is actually 3 - 4 hours. Then I will wake look at the clock and realize I have only an hour before the blasted alarm begins to buzz. I cannot go back to sleep, so naturally I toss and turn for the entire hour and get up and start all over again. Monday through Saturday this is my life. 
It may seem unlikely to those that do not understand. 
Then some may say I am on vacation and I should get a real job, because I have plenty of time.
This is why I Love my life and only seek information on how to better manage my responsibilities.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Welcome!! Not sure how you stumbled upon this rarity. Please sit back and enjoy an easy read. This is my opportunity to share. My daily musings will cover a wide range of topics. I appreciate your feedback, constructive criticism is the best.

Again, thank you for joining me, I hope you enjoy.