Thursday, November 21, 2013

It is, okay to want MORE

Yes, I want more. Do we all not want more? More Faith, freedom and whatever brings you happiness. Right now I want more information. No particular subject matter, just information. Quite often I just want more time. More time to finish a project, more time to relax and last but not least more time to sleep. Which leads me to my point; I require information on how to accomplish all the duties of a working mother, in the rural south and in the process of re-establishing my religion manage a full nights rest each night.

During the day I thrive once I get started, but as the day winds down I do the opposite and begin the second half of my day. I love all that I do, there just does not seem to be enough of me to do it all. I wonder often what is wrong with me, and why an accumulation of such simple tasks can be overwhelming. Then I must forget my woes and move on, the Family awaits. There are some that may not have a clue that a being a Wife and Mother are full time jobs just so. In addition I have a full time job that offers ample overtime. No complaints here, just simply stating the facts. As a wife I must assist, offer encouragement and be available at any given time. Well as a mother it is rather the same requirements only extremely demanding. The ritual; same dance slightly different tune each day. Now the children are asleep and I use that time to complete another task/duty. There is always something to be done. It feels like I do it all. Is that whining? Am I being boastful? No, just stating the facts as I know them to be. Finally, I have made it through another day. At this point you would think I would drop to sleep. 

Not I, it is movie time and I will dream for feels like thirty minutes, but is actually 3 - 4 hours. Then I will wake look at the clock and realize I have only an hour before the blasted alarm begins to buzz. I cannot go back to sleep, so naturally I toss and turn for the entire hour and get up and start all over again. Monday through Saturday this is my life. 
It may seem unlikely to those that do not understand. 
Then some may say I am on vacation and I should get a real job, because I have plenty of time.
This is why I Love my life and only seek information on how to better manage my responsibilities.

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