Saturday, November 23, 2013

Things will not change simply because you griped about it to a friend or relative.
"It would not make a difference" is the wrong attitude to have.
Try something new for a change. Use your connections to spread useful, noteworthy information. This is a new day, information can be shared with an infinite amount of people with a few simple keystrokes.
It will not take more than 60 years to get a message from {Check this out Read here}Washington to Alabama.

You must get involved. Unless you are prepared to just curl up and waste away you have to do something. We have the means we only need the will. 

I challenge you to buy a newspaper find out what is happening in your region. For instance when was the last time you wrote your Representative? Or has your Governor ever visited your city? When is the next town meeting? School Board? Parents, when is the next PTA/PTO meeting?Do not berate yourself for not knowing the answers to all of these questions. Just demand more of yourself. We have to live in this town, this City, this State and this Country and we have the magnificent right of  Free Speech.

Just as we must stretch or move to prevent muscle atrophy, we must flex our Constitutional Rights. If we do not then we are left to be led and are unable to survive without a costly helping hand.

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