Thursday, February 27, 2014


Take the time to look up the definition of politics and government. As it is known the two are interrelated, however not many would know that one word is used to define the other. Though we have this naïve belief that these words imply righteousness and some form of rectitude, however every definition for these two words only refer to power and charisma. Quite coincidental that those are two words synonymous with our politicians. They crave power and exude ample charisma when interacting with those that can grant them power. That would be the those extremely wealthy individuals with endless means and very little morality. Those that will fund an entire campaign for the sole purpose of operating their toxic industrial plants in the  our  communities. But I will save this revelation for another time. Back to the story at hand, our politicians that we vote into office and those that we are simply straddled with are simple serfs to the highest paying individual.
The more I research the issue, the more I think ; "what difference does my vote make?". Well, that is just the mindset that will be our undoing. Our votes matter, but we cannot simply vote and hope for the best. We have to be actively involved in our government. Research, gain an understanding of the full process. Do not just comment on an ad and forget about it in the next hour. As taxpayers, citizens, parents and children we have a right to be outraged by every miscarriage of justice we witness and/or learn of.
NEWSFLASH! Politicians are spending nearly millions and in most cases actual millions to schmooze the aforementioned wealthy. Those funds are raised by their modern day henchmen, commonly referred to as the PAC {political action committee}. So some would have you believe that since the taxpayers are not footing the bills we have nothing to worry about. Wrong again. Though I may not be paying for the lavish luxuries that "our" politicians [specifically Legislators] are enjoying; you must realize that just as they buy their way into our powerful government offices those providing the funds have just bought their "personal political spokesperson". Though I doubt that many politicians ever cared what their constituents wanted, I am certain now that only money talks. The people's vote is worthless in their eyes.
Everyone this is my call for action, let us remind them that the WE THE PEOPLE demand action. I want the word government to mean honesty, integrity and righteousness. There are good politicians out there, but if they want to stay in the game they have to play along and those that do not play, well that is just it they do not have a chance to make a difference because they did not have the funds. Our vote means something, our voices will be heard.

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