Saturday, October 9, 2021


 As I learn and grow, I'm fairly sure a "mid-life crisis" is simply a matter of perspective. If crisis is the opinion of the mid-lifer, it's highly likely they fear this new stage of "adulting".  Growing beyond raising children, running a busy household and putting concern for others at the forefront can be intimidating. I see it for the opportunity it presents for self evaluation and potential reinvention. I'm still a Mother and Partner, but I see myself. An ideal time to broaden the definition of ME.

Now, should said crisis be determined by an observer, well.. Many possibilities as to why they think so. Presently I'm confident that those who see crisis fear growth. Or they may not recognize the newfound sense of freedom many mid-lifers experience. I share my knowledge of the experience thus far. It's up to them whether they will be participants or commentators.

As of this writing I'm confident this next chapter holds immense promise. I'm really just becoming an adult and I'm loving it. 😳

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Growth Musings

 As the days march on I continue to learn about myself. Though I crave freedom from responsibilities, I hesitate to act without caution. Never followed the latest trend simply because. Everyone else can be frivolous and prosperous. Why not me too? To maintain character, yet know some semblance of what I see I'll plan. Phase in the Happy commenced 2018. There have been bumps along the way. Nothing proven to be insurmountable to date. I shall persists. 

To keep to my original intention. I will share my daily growth musings; something new learned, tried or proposed. How Phase in the Happy (PitH) is progressing. 

10/7 PitH - Parenting unruly teenager w/limited physical contact. - Growth

Teen experiencing basic punishment for staying out on school night w/added bonus of leaving for school @ 6a each morning. Arrival 45mins prior to start of schoolday Courtesy of said spectacular parent.